Shams Power Solar Panel System: What Are the Steps to Adopting a Sustainable Lifestyle?

Shams Power Solar Panel System

Global Warming & Environmental changes:

The Earth's environment has been rapidly warming since the mid-twentieth century. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), there is a greater than 95% chance that this is the result of human activity. Carbon dioxide and other ozone-depleting compounds trap heat. The primary cause of this global warming comes from shrinking ice sheets, global temperature rises, less snow cover, rising ocean levels, warmer seas, extreme catastrophic events, and marine acidification.

Environmental change may seem like a daunting topic to tackle. Still, several resources and methods are available to help people understand and cope with their impact on the environment. Reducing one's carbon footprint and adopting a sustainable lifestyle is an essential aspect of practical living.

Shams power solar panel system is one of the best among the top solar energy companies in Pakistan that provides solar energy solutions. A joint venture between two of Pakistan's most prominent energy firms (PITCO and Orient Operating Company), gives you low-cost solar power for the next 20 years on a Build-Operate-Own-Transfer basis.

By providing an all-inclusive turnkey solution, we make it simple for environmentally conscious enterprises to embrace Solar PV technology. This allows them to convert to greener energy without spending their own money on equipment and infrastructure and without risking performance or incurring O&M expenses.

Solar System in Pakistan

Carbon footprint


In the realm of ecological research, a person's carbon footprint refers to the total amount of carbon dioxide, methane, and other harmful gases produced by their lifestyle. CO2 and methane are both typically detrimental to the climate and may thus be used to assess one's impact adequately. Area, pay, transportation, energy usage in the house, trash, and other variables are all considered when calculating carbon footprints. Various online calculators are available for free on the internet to determine your carbon footprint. With increased awareness comes a clearer understanding of how to proceed into the future.

Shams power offers sustainable solar solutions in which the solar PV systems can generate power efficiency for zero carbon emission. 


Practising Sustainable Living

There are several ways to include sustainable living in your daily routine. It's easy to separate them by focusing on 3 important aspects of your life:


  • Use of Public Transportation
  • The production of waste (food & energy)
  • Change to renewable energy sources


According to a study, the average American drives for 101 minutes every day. That's a total of more than 614 hours throughout the year. The emissions from diesel and gasoline engines contain a variety of hazardous greenhouse gases, many of which have significant environmental consequences. Although it may not be feasible for everyone to use public transit or ride a bike daily, even a slight reduction in one's daily driving can significantly impact the total amount of dangerous gases generated each year.

Food and energy consumption

In the usage space, good living processes are significant. Let us begin by concentrating on energy usage. A family's average monthly electricity consumption is predicted to be 897-kilowatt hours (kWh). In 2016, non-renewable energy sources provided over 60% of the country's electricity (flammable gas, coal, and petrol). Different ways are used to convert the energy stored in petroleum products into power. Finally, this cycle results in far more damaging discharges. Start by limiting the amount of electricity used in the household to start controlling one's natural influence on the environment.

Here are the best methods for accomplishing this


  • Wash your clothes in cold water (warming the water consumes 90% of the energy).
  • Unplug and switch off any machines or lights that aren't in use.
  • Compact fluorescent light bulbs should be used instead of radiant lighting (CFLs or LEDs).
  • Instead of using the cooling system or air conditioners in the evening, leave windows open for ventilation and cool air to enter the house.
  • Rather than using an electric heater in the cold, dress warmly and comfortably.
  • Instead of drying your items in the dryer, hang them to dry naturally.
  • Install energy-saving equipment in your home (refrigerator, washing machine, and so on).


Individuals' trash generation is another aspect of having a sustainable lifestyle. The most effective methods for accomplishing this are reducing one's use of plastic and recycling. The traditional way of managing plastic garbage is to bury it in landfills. However, some of the waste's harmful synthetic components can saturate groundwater, resulting in water and land contamination. 

Here are a few practices that contribute to more manageable trash generation.

  • Instead of using throwaway plastic jugs, use a refillable water bottle.
  • Instead of using plastic replacements, use reusable flatware and plates.
  • Reuse as much as you can and buy goods made of recyclable materials.
  • Instead of recycling or disposing of resources, reuse and repurpose them.
Solar Energy Companies in Pakistan

 Change to renewable energy sources

Going solar or switching to other renewable energy sources is one way to have a large beneficial influence on the environment and embrace a sustainable lifestyle. The majority of greenhouse gas emissions originate from the combustion of fossil fuels, and renewable energy is the most potent alternative to fossil fuels. Install solar panels at your home to create your electricity and reduce your reliance on the grid, which relies on fossil fuels to generate power. It will not only help you lessen your environmental impact, but it will also save you money that you can use to take additional beneficial initiatives. 

Solar panel installation also generates a large number of carbon emissions each year. Given that solar panels may endure for at least 25 years, you will be able to offset a significant amount of your carbon footprint for a long time. Solarenergy companies in Pakistan like shams power limited offers solar panel system to reduce energy consumption and provide sustainable and affordable energy solutions. Shams power deals in larger-scale commercial and industrial sectors, providing end to end solar energy solutions depending upon their specific requirements. Shams power works under two major components Power purchase agreement (PPA) and the BOOT model (build, own, operate and transfer).


Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) is a contract perpetrated between large corporates and Shams Power Limited. PPA is a Financial Investing and Solar Installation model suited for the Industrial & Commercial sector. 

Solar BOOT Model

BOOT Model: 

BOOT Model offer a Photovoltaic (PV) based electricity generating system by providing end-to-end services where we build, own, operate and transfer the solar power system under PPA.

Shams Power Limited offers technical expertise to its clients, covering all finance, design, procurement, construction, installation, operations, and maintenance.

Final words:

The cost of our solar system in Pakistan is relatively low, and we offer the best services to various industrial firms. In addition to the industrial Sun-Power Systems, Shams Power offers commercial and industrial customers comprehensive solar energy services. 

Shams Power Limited is Pakistan's top solar energy provider and investor, founded in 2015. We are dedicated to operational excellence and cutting-edge technology to deliver quality solar power deployments to Pakistan's commercial and industrial sectors. Our specialised engineering, design, finance, and procurement teams collaborate diligently with our customers to create bespoke turnkey solutions. We guarantee that solar energy will be more accessible to our clients by making it a more realistic and practical option for renewable energy solutions. We assure you that our Solar Panel System is the best for your industrial & commercial area, contact us for further details (+92) 0341 7426777 or visit our website:


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